What we do
QUALIPOL is an association registered in Poland that holds a General License to represent the foreign associations QUALICOAT, QUALANOD, and QUALIDECO in our country. These associations have implemented and administer systems designed to maintain and promote the highest quality standard for coating and anodizing aluminum surfaces for architectural applications. QUALIPOL also holds the General License of the QUALISTEELCOAT association certifying coatings on steel surfaces. QUALIPOL brings together companies involved in surface treatment (powder coatings, anodizing), suppliers of chemicals for surface preparation, suppliers of coating materials, as well as other entities interested in the activities of the Association.
High quality is our motto
Protective coatings have a decisive impact on the service life of aluminum and steel products intended for many years of use in architectural applications, often in places with an increased risk of corrosion. Metal building facades, doors, windows, external cladding must look good and change their appearance as little as possible throughout the many years of use. The cost of the proper implementation of protective coatings on the metal elements constituting the facade of the building is only a small part of the cost of the entire structure, while 100% deciding about the visual effect, which is essential for the acceptance of the entire investment by the investor and subsequent users. That is why it is so important to make coatings protecting architectural elements with the use of proven procedures of the QUALICOAT / QUALANOD / QUALIDECO and QUALISTEELCOAT quality systems, which guarantee the highest quality protective coatings in accordance with the best world standards in this area.